Utah is known for its fickle spring and fall weather phenomenons that can change hour by hour. Utah also can have very hot summers. Knowing this, brides planning Utah weddings would be wise to listen to Mother Nature if they want to optimize their success and pleasantness for all attending their special celebration. Heeding weather warnings and planning ahead will help avoid potential annoyances.
Many guests have been known to leave early from hot tent gatherings or wedding venues in Utah that don’t have good air conditioning. Bugs at certain times of the year can also pose a problem if not attended to by the hosting venue. Spring cloud bursts always seem to catch the unprepared wedding party at Utah weddings, especially those that think they can simply use their backyard garden. Consider wedding venues that will give you a garden feel but you don’t have to worry about getting those emergency tents or canopies from neighbors and friends, or purchase lots of umbrellas and hire lots of neighbor boys to walk your guests from their cars to your home with umbrellas. Wedding reception centers have done it all before and can alleviate your worries and actually can be more cost effective.

A great tip is to check out the local news weather forecast history for your area. Utah’s local KSL has a great service where you simply submit the date for which you are planning your event and up pops the information of the chance of precipitation for your given day, the average temperatures for that day, even average hourly temperatures. You can also check out the sunrise and sunset so you can time saying your wedding vows at that perfect photo shot moment with a sunset behind the bride and groom. It is KSL’s “Wasatch Front Outdoor Weather Planner” found on their website.
So remember when planning Utah wedding receptions, listen to Mother Nature and heed her weather tendencies by planning accordingly. Utah weddings are so much more pleasant for everyone involved when this tip is followed!