You would be surprised too if you thought you were going to a new restaurant for a quiet birthday dinner with your wife and daughters, and you walk into a majestic hall where dozens of endearing friends and family have gathered and shout “Surprise! Happy Birthday, Wayne!” That is exactly what happened when Wayne and Maggie walked in the doors of one of the newest reception centers Utah has to offer, Ivy House at Western Gardens Center downtown Salt Lake City. Known for its beautiful wedding celebrations, Ivy House became a perfect birthday celebration for this wonderful man.

About 75 guests enjoyed taking their turn to wish Wayne birthday wishes, writing a note in a guest book, and then sitting down to dinner consisting of beef shish kabobs and Teriyaki chicken. Also served was a stunning fruit platter, make-your-own tacos with toppings, spinach salad with fresh mozzarella cheese, and deli sandwiches.

Well-wishers also enjoyed lingering and visiting amongst the decorative black and white balloons and listening to an iPod playlist of favorite songs of the birthday Guest of Honor sounding on the Ivy House incredible sound system. Ivy house is not just a wedding reception center, but can be the right place for other celebrations in life. Utah reception centers have a beautiful addition, Ivy House.
When looking for reception centers in Utah, don’t forget to check out this gem.